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2017 Midwifery Research Grant Recipients

Date: September 22, 2017

The inaugural AOM Midwifery Research Grants were awarded to three recipients in two categories: Established Career Midwifery Research Grant recipients Liz Darling
RM, PhD Currently working as an associate professor in the Midwifery Education Program at McMaster University, L…

Be Engaged. Make Change.

Date: June 2, 2017

For more than half of my career as a midwife, I’ve been part of the AOM Board of Directors. Over the last eight years, I’ve moved from Member at Large to Vice-President and now President. Being part of the board has been a rewarding journey. I’ve had the opportunity to participate in problem-solvin…

Ontario Government Releases 2017 Budget

Date: April 28, 2017

The Ontario government released its 2017 budget yesterday, which spoke to the Liberals' commitment to continue making midwifery care accessible to Ontarians. The budget specifically noted that "midwifery services provide low-risk birthing options to improve the quality of care and value for Onta…

Toronto Birth Centre: One Thousand Births & Counting

Date: April 27, 2017

Author: Elizabeth Brandeis

Toronto-area families are celebrating one big milestone today: since opening its doors in January 2014, the Toronto Birth Centre has been the birthplace for 1,000 babies, all caught by midwives.

I had the pleasure and privilege of attending the very first birth at the Toronto Birth C…

Midwives - Champions of Reproductive Justice, Victims of Gender Penalty

Date: March 8, 2017

South of the border, Trump’s attack on women and on reproductive rights has sparked outrage and re-energized feminist movements. The world witnessed as crowds gathered across the U.S. and the world – including 60,000 in Toronto – to resist the assault on women’s rights.

Reproductive …